Elkhart Community Schools 

New Teacher Support Site  

The Elkhart Promise 

Every student is known by name, challenged and supported by highly effective staff, and in partnership with the community, will graduate career/college ready and life ready. 

Be sure to sign up for the ECS PD on the events site at:  events.elkhart.k12.in.us 

new teacher orientation

"Sometimes we know when we make a difference and other times, we don’t  –  but we are.  If we care, then we are.  Sometimes the most quiet student is the one who is taking in more of what we have to offer than any other.  Sometimes the most obnoxious student is the one who considers you his or her favorite teacher.  We all have a lot of starfish to save.

YOU have starfish to save.

Don’t ever underestimate the value you bring to students’ lives!

Keep saving those starfish!."

To read more, find the full article here

Elkhart Community Schools Professional Development

Here is a link to ECS' Professional Development Page

Interested in learning more about Canvas, Seesaw, and PowerSchool? Click here to see the ECS Youtube Channel for helpful resources. 

Recommended Read from Jamie Engen:

That One Kid
changing lives, one student at a time

By Brain Mendler
Former self-contained SPED teacher |  Dynamic Staff Developer | Podcaster | Author of best-selling book; That One Kid & Watch Your Mouth | 20 Years Clean

In Brian Mendler’s newest book, published in 2022, he provides strategies for working with “That One Kid.” The one who can make life miserable for the other 25. This book focuses on that one. You will find many of the ideas and strategies fit all kids. But my goal is to help you succeed with the one nobody else in your building can reach.

-Discover the best strategy to succeed with oppositional defiant kids.
-Learn the number one motivation killer of kids in school
-Understand exactly why kids misbehave and specific strategies for changing their behavior.-Master my four-step process for preventing power struggles.
-Learn the two most powerful defusing words in the English language.
-Discover a specific phrase guaranteed to prevent problem behaviors.
-There are two times it is ok to remove a student from class. Learn exactly what to say so they want to return.
-Eliminate student complaints that things aren’t fair, once and for all.

Book description found on: https://www.tlc-sems.com/product/that-one-kid-2nd-edition/

Teach Like a Champion

What do you do when a student gives up and simply won’t try? How do you know what the student who hides silently in the corner is learning? How can you maximize the amount of work students are doing? And what do you do when you ask a student to sit down, and he smirks and tells you to sit down? As these examples suggest, the predictability of endemic problems does not imply that they are simple to solve. And it shouldn’t take a dozen years of brutal trial and error, suffering, and fatigue for a teacher to figure these problems out. Further observation has helped Lemov to see the many endemic problems for which teachers have derived brilliant solutions. 

Book description found here